Financial Principles:

1.) We will fund our ministry through prayer. God has promised that He will supply all the needs of His people according to His goodwill. We will trust Him and His promises. If this ministry is of Him, He will support us and sustain us, if it is not, we will fail.


[Psa 9:9-10, Matt. 7:7-10/Luke 11:9, Matt 6:25-33, Matt. 18:3, 19, Rom 10:11, Hab 2:4, Psa 37:3-5, 11, 2 Chron 16:9, John 16:24, 1 John 5:14, 1 John 3:22]


We will not make our needs known to man. We will not ask any humans for money, trust in our own flesh [Jer 17:5-8], or put ourselves in a position to prod or manipulate our brothers and sisters in Christ [1 Cor 9:15, 2 Cor 8:5,8-9, 2 Cor 11:8-9]. We may tell our brethren about the specific tasks and work that God has put on our hearts to pursue, but we will not make our financial needs or status known.



2.) We will not yoke ourselves with or partner with unbelievers in our mission. We will accept donations from them if they choose to give of their own will, but we will not solicit help from nor seek any partnership with the world [2 Cor 6:14-18].


3.) We will not conduct any ministry through the contracting of debts. We will not use debt to enlarge our ministry, or to obtain that which the Lord has not supplied for us. We will not spend what we do not have, even if it means accomplishing less work in the short run [Rom 13:8, Pro 22:7].


4.) Workers are worthy of their wages. Those who sow spiritual things ought to reap material things [1 Cor 9:9-10]. Those who are called to preach the Gospel in the mission field should live from the Gospel [1 Cor 9:14]. Those who work in service to the Lord ought to be supported by the free will offerings of the God's people [1 Cor 9:9, Rom 15:27].


Gifts from God's people should be from the result of the leading of the Lord, and not according to petition, compulsion, or manipulation from those who sow the Gospel [1 Cor 9:15, 2 Cor 8:5, 8-9 2 Cor 11:8-9]. Those who give ought to according to what each one has [2 Cor 8:12], not for the ministers to live in luxury, but in equality with those who give [2 Cor 8:14].


5.) We will work that we may give the Gospel for free [1 Cor 9:12]. We will seek to supplicate our ministry by the labor of our hands when appropriate. As God has gifted us in skills of business and trade, we will work in accordance to the measure of God's provision for the support of our ministry, to bless the communities to which we are sent, and to give to those in need [Psa 90:17, Acts 18:3-4, Acts 20:33-34].



6.) We will not compete with other ministries, but when appropriate, seek to partner with our brothers in Christ [Rom 14:19 Heb 12:14-15]. Notwithstanding, we seek to bring the Gospel where it has not been proclaimed, not building on the foundation of another [Rom 15:20, 2 Cor 10:13-16].



7.) We seek not our glory, but the glory of God above all things. We seek that the name of Jesus Christ to be declared among all nations and to for His Gospel to be known to the ends of the earth. We seek to be used by Him for the gather of His elect, the building of His Church, until His return [2 Cor 4:13-15, Isa 66:18-24, 1 Thes 4:16, Rev 22:12].



These principles are taken from Scripture, and follow the model of the ministries of George Muller, and Paul Washer.