Purpose Statment of Minora


Today I embark on a new writing project. A blog, called "Minora" which is the English translation of מְנוֹרָה. The word means "lampstand", and comes from the vision in Zech 4.The purpose of the blog is to build an exegetical witness of Biblical truth. I am not seeking to create anything new, but build a concise and continual witness, to communicate the faith to the world, from now and henceforth.


I hope this blog to be a tool in communication with my brothers and sisters in Christ in matters of exegesis, interpretation and application. I also desire to collate concise information, commentaries, and resources which I believe are correct and helpful. I don’t care to be original, but only correct. I will put forth what I believe to be correct, from myself and other authors, that it may be examined, critiqued, and interacted by all whom have interest. I want a ready statement and defense for my doctrine at all times. If I be in error, what better method to expose such error to myself than to commit such to writing that it may be examined? If the doctrine prevail, may God grant it to illuminate my brothers and sisters in Christ.


This project is seeking to make the meaning of God's book clear to those who are seeking to understand it. I am particularly interested in the OT prophets. Many approaches these holy books and teach nothing but vain imaginations, and rob God’s children of their true meaning. May God preserve us from such error.


See my “about” page for a list of my doctrinal positions, but I am not looking here to deductively defend systematic positions (at least not at first) but to do inductive exegesis.  I value nothing more than knowing Christ in truth worshipping Him in truth and Spirit. I am willing to give up anything and everything, burn bridges, upset people, etc etc. to know Him in truth.


The roadmap begins with a few preliminary and introductory articles, and then we will jump into the Minor Prophets. Perhaps Habakkuk or Zechariah first. I plan to write in an informal style, because it is natural and expedient. So to begin, I will make a brief article on hermeneutics. I will eventually layout a general position on Israel, the throne of David, the millennium, and other key concepts. I will deal with them as they come up in the text. I’ll need to frontload some articles to explain on key concepts, which may then be referred to as the exegesis continues. May God grant His wisdom and blessing on the journey! May we know Him in truth and Spirit, and glory the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ!



And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


The Sovereignty of God - Isaiah 40:12-31